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Maine Adult Education

Personal Enrichment

Radical Kindness – The Superpower That Can Change Your Life (and the World)


with Jeff Edelstein, Merrymeeting Community & Adult Education

Calendar Mar 5, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Kindness is a superpower that every one of us has. We will explore how “intentional acts of kindness” can transform our friendships, relationships, families, workplaces, schools, and politics. We’ll look at the different forms that kindness can take and share our personal experiences with kindness. We’ll explore the creation of our own “personal kindness practices” as well as collective acts of community kindness that are fun, creative, and meaningful. Students will have the chance to experiment with their kindness practices between sessions. We’ll discuss ways to support each other in rising to our kindest selves, including introduction to a wide variety of inspiring readings, films, and talks. This program meets the first Tuesday of every month between March and August 2024. The workshop fee includes access to all monthly meetings. Attending every meeting is not mandatory; feel free to participate when you can.

Will run

Merrymeeting PREMIER Membership Club


with Merrymeeting Staff, Merrymeeting Community & Adult Education

Calendar Mar 18, 2024 at 8 am

BECOME A PREMIER MEMBER TODAY! Join the Merrymeeting PREMIERE Membership Club for only $25! *membership fee is annual.

Membership benefits include:

Early Access: Premier members receive our catalogs digitally prior to public distribution, for exclusive early access to class schedules and offerings (actual registration still limited to public release).

Loyalty Program: Premier members receive 25% off every 6th class they take with Merrymeeting (applies to all classes under $100, excluding certain programs).

Catalog Opportunity: Premier members may submit announcements in our future catalogs, as we are dedicating a page for announcements by our Merrymeeting Premiere members. (restrictions apply, contact us directly for details).

Discount Offer: Premier members receive a 10% discount on any Merrymeeting Youth & Family program (excluding DE and any program over $400; can only be used once annually).

Exclusive Media: Enjoy convenient video workshops, on topics ranging from cooking to meditation, with access to our growing library of media (media library will officially launch May 2023).

Subscription Service: Premier memberships include a free subscription to our latest Merrymeeting Premiere Magazine (exclusive annual online publication emailed directly to club members).

Special Invitations: Premier members will enjoy access to special workshops and events developed especially for them.

Will run

Creating Web Pages
Online Registration Unavailable

Creating Web Pages


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Mar 19, 2024

Create and post your very own website using HTML. You will learn the best strategies for planning the content, structure, and layout of your website as well as creating pages with neatly formatted text, building links between the pages, and more! This course will also cover search engine optimization and powerful no-cost or low-cost web marketing strategies.

Self paced classes can start at anytime.

For more information please click the link.

Creative Writing: Memoir
Online Registration Unavailable

Creative Writing: Memoir


with MindEdge Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Mar 19, 2024

Do you have a story to tell? Most of us do—correction, we all do. Every one of us, by virtue of being human, has experiences and insights that are worth retelling. But how can we tell those stories in a way that other people will want to read them and learn from them? Memoir is the art of taking scenes from our past and presenting them to an audience, not simply for the sake of telling a story but to inform, entertain, and establish an emotional bond with our readers. By exploring memories and examining our lives, we also learn a lot about ourselves.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Creative Writing: Poetry
Online Registration Unavailable

Creative Writing: Poetry


with MindEdge Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Mar 19, 2024

Poetry has existed across cultures for thousands of years. We consume poetry in music, in plays, and in numerous different forms and styles. Many people enjoy reading and writing poetry, but analyzing poetry and improving your poetic vocabulary will help you write more effectively and better engage with the poetry you read.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Garden Coach for DIY Gardeners: 1-on-1


with Laura Tangerini, York Adult Education

Calendar Apr 15, 2024

Whether you are a new home owner and are trying to figure out where to start or you are looking to revamp your existing landscape, a garden coach is an invaluable resource.  A garden coach is someone with the passion and expertise to mentor you through garden projects, saving money, time, and potential pitfalls. This 1-on-1, 1 hour session takes place at your location/garden of your choice. We appologize for the error in price in our print catalogue.

Some topics covered, as needed:

- Suggestions for improving your current garden space

- Plant identification

- Plant requirements: where they grow best and what they need to thrive

- Basic garden design: landscape or vegetable garden

- Troubleshooting problem areas

- Pruning basics

- Weeding basics

- Organic practices for soil health and pest control

- Mulching

- Dividing perennials

- Plant selection assistance at a nursery

By the end of the session, you will have a comprehensive action plan to tackle your next DIY gardening project with confidence. Move forward with confidence with a garden coach by your side.  Let’s get started and make your garden thrive!

Choose your 1 hour time slot: Monday 9 to noon, Wednesday 3-6pm, or by appointment. From April 15 through the summer.


Laura will contact you via emailt to set up your appointment.

Will run

Personal Creativity
Online Registration Unavailable

Personal Creativity


with Mind Edge, RSU 19 Adult Education

Calendar Apr 19, 2024

This course examines how one can become a more creative person. By stimulating creativity through various techniques (mind-mapping, DO-IT, SCAMPER, right and left brain thinking) participants learn to tap into their personal creativity and apply it to organizational challenges.

To register follow this link


Personal Finance
Online Registration Unavailable

Personal Finance


with Mind Edge, RSU 19 Adult Education

Calendar Apr 22, 2024

Personal finance is a critical skill for long-term financial success. However, many adults have learned what they know about personal finance as they've progressed through life. What have you missed along the way? No matter what your financial situation is, it is important to understand how to handle your money. This course will familiarize you with the basics of budgeting, including creating and managing a budget, as well as setting financial goals, understanding your credit, tips for saving money, and the basics of investing.

To register use this link 

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