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Health & Wellness

in Personal Enrichment

 Certified Personal Trainer NASM+ AFAA Group Fitness Instructor
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Certified Personal Trainer NASM+ AFAA Group Fitness Instructor


with Ed 2go, RSU 19 Adult Education

Calendar Sep 1, 2023

Prepare for two of the most widely recognized industry certifications for fitness instructors: NASM Certified Personal Trainer and AFAA Certified Group Instructor. Certification exam fees included in the course cost.  You will gain key skills from videos, presentations, and other hands-on learning activities to master health and fitness topics, including nutrition, human movement science, and fitness assessments.

Online                                                                                            Self-paced

To register and pay for this course use the link below:


Certificate in Global Healing Systems
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Certificate in Global Healing Systems


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 25, 2023

Global healing traditions reflect the specific and unique characteristics of the culture, history, philosophy, and availability of resources in different parts of the world. With foundations dating back thousands of years, these healing traditions have a long and rich history. Providing the primary form of health care for the majoring of the world's population, global healing traditions include health and wellness practices, approaches, knowledge, and beliefs using ceremonies, plants, animals, or mineral-based medicines, energetic therapies, and/or physical/hands-on techniques. Understanding the various global healing practices provides health care professionals with improved knowledge and skills to support their clients who use various traditional healing practices and techniques.

The outcome of this certificate is for the learner to describe the basic concepts of healing for Ayurvedic medicine, curanderismo, Central and South American healing traditions, Native North American healing traditions, traditional Chinese medicine, and the Unani medical system.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Certificate in Healing Environments for Body, Mind, and Spirit
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Certificate in Healing Environments for Body, Mind, and Spirit


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 25, 2023

Optimal Healing Environments (OHEs) are those environments in which characteristics of the individuals and various elements of the organization are focused on social, psychological, physical, cultural, and spiritual components that support and enhance the inherent healing capacities of the individuals who live and work in the environment. Healing relationships, the powerful effect of evidence-based design and all its elements (color, sound, light, art), a focus on nature, the impact of technology on health, and the important environment aspects of health such as clean air and water are all explored in this innovative certificate program.

The outcome of this certificate is for the learner to describe the various elements of optimal healing environments and how they impact the health of individuals and communities on a physical, social, psychological, and spiritual level; and describe methods of enhancing personal and work environments so they support the health of individuals and surrounding communities in a sustainable, healing manner.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Certificate in Healthy Aging
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Certificate in Healthy Aging


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 25, 2023

As the population in the United States ages, there are many opportunities to learn how to work with seniors in multiple settings in a way that supports quality care and quality of life. This certificate is designed for individuals who are working in the health care field, those who are interested in the topic, those who are working with the aging population, or anyone who wishes to prepare for careers in aging services or gerontology. Topics include nutrition and healthy aging, the healthy aging brain, physical activity and healthy aging, the role of intimacy and sexuality on healthy aging, keys to longevity in the centenarian population, and important behavioral and mental health issues in the aging adult.

The outcome of this certificate is for the learner to describe specific aspects of aging, including the impact of nutrition and physical activity on the aging process, physiologic changes in the healthy aging brain, the role of intimacy and sexuality on healthy aging, keys to longevity in the centenarian population, and important behavioral and mental health issues in the aging adult.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Certificate in Holistic and Integrative Health
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Certificate in Holistic and Integrative Health


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 25, 2023

The concepts of alternative, holistic, and integrative medicine have their roots in various healing traditions that have been around for thousands of years. Yet, this philosophy is receiving much attention today due to the changing health care climate, a growing need for a "different" health care system, and a recognition of the benefits of combing the external, physical, and technologic successes of medicine with the internal, nonphysical exploration of healing. This Certificate Program has been endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe holistic and integrative therapeutic modalities and their role in health and healing.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Certificate in Mindful Relationships
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Certificate in Mindful Relationships


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 28, 2023

We are experiencing a mindfulness revolution as we become aware of the benefits of being mindful in our self-care, intimate relationships, and communication processes. We are also increasingly aware of how the practice of mindfulness can effect climate change, nature, our health, the health of our communities, and the health of the planet. When we cultivate a sense of connectedness to everything in nature and realize we all share only one Earth, we gain an immeasurable gift in return. As we cultivate mindfulness and self-compassion for ourselves, it ripples outward to others and transforms our relationship with our partners, families, communities, and the world.

The outcome of this certificate is for the learner to describe the characteristics of mindful self-care, intimate relationships, communication processes, and how mindfulness impacts climate change and human health.

Certificate in Mindfulness
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Certificate in Mindfulness


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 28, 2023

Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present moment and is a key component in a wide variety of current, widely-recognized healing interventions. Neuroscientists are mapping how mindfulness training can change and improve brain health, and scholars are taking a fresh look at the nature of "self," emotion regulation, compassion, wisdom, and the far reaches of human potential.

Mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety and improves health, improves personal and professional relationships, contributes to improved productivity in the workplace, leads to long-term health changes that result in fewer chronic illnesses, reduces demand on the health care system, and improves the quality of life. This certificate addresses how to support mindfulness in all areas of life. It provides a solid foundation of knowledge and information to support individuals who wish to enhance their own well-being as well as health care professionals who wish to evolve in their profession, create new job opportunities for themselves in the exploding field of mindfulness, health promotion, lifestyle coaching, etc.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Certificate in Music Therapy and Sound Healing
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Certificate in Music Therapy and Sound Healing


with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Calendar Sep 28, 2023

At a time when people are increasingly turning to holistic methods of healing, music therapy has developed into a powerful and nonthreatening method that can be used successfully with individuals of all ages and disabilities. Sound healing uses vibrational and sound frequencies to promote healing and bring the individual into a state of harmony and health. Music therapy influences an individual's physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being and is especially exciting as a modality that can improve the quality of life for individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Music therapy for end-of-life care involves playing music on a variety of instruments, singing, listening to music, and performing music based on the patient's preferences.

This certificate provides you with knowledge about music therapy and sound healing and their ability to help individuals of all ages to address their physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs during healing. This is not designed to allow you to practice music therapy without further education and experience.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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