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in Personal Enrichment
Body Language for Leaders
with MindEdge online, York Adult Education

At the core of strong leadership is the ability to communicate effectively. But many leaders focus solely on their spoken words while ignoring the impact of their nonverbal cues, including facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements, and eye gaze. By understanding the impact of body language, leaders can learn how to communicate in a way that builds and sustains positive relationships with employees, clients, and business partners. This course will provide leaders with tips for reading body language and using it to exude both strength and warmth. The course also addresses gender stereotypes and cross-cultural body language and explores the role of body language in virtual communication. Click here to register #MindEdge
CompTIA A+ Certification Prep Series
with ed2go online, York Adult Education

Master the inner workings of computers and become a certified tech with our online course bundle. Prepare for the CompTIA A+ Certification by gaining hands-on experience in hardware configuration, troubleshooting, and mastering various operating systems. Start Dates: July 17, Aug 14, Sep11, Oct 16.
Online with ed2go. Click here to register.
Creative Writing: Children's Books
with MindEdge online, York Adult Education

Do you love writing or children? Have you dreamed of having your own book published? This course will guide you through the process of identifying the format and audience for your book, brainstorming ideas, developing a plot and characters, writing effectively, seeking and benefiting from feedback, and finally perfecting your manuscript to send off to an agent or publisher. Whether you know exactly what you want to write or are still fishing around for ideas, this course will take you to the next level through exercises designed to further your particular project. Click here to register #MindEdge
Digital Marketing Strategy
with MindEdge online, York Adult Education

As consumers increasingly turn to the digital marketplace of the Internet, organizations recognize that they can better reach and connect with their customers, clients, or prospects through digital marketing. There are many benefits to effective digital marketing including improved brand perception, more efficient lead generation, and better customer satisfaction levels. That can translate into the sale of more products and services. Creating a digital marketing strategy is crucial to meeting the marketing goals of the organization. This course offers a step-by-step introduction to the process of creating such a strategy, with an emphasis on key concepts, definitions, and metrics. Click here to register #MindEdge
Discover Sign Language
with ed2go online, York Adult Education

Embark on a journey to master the art of American Sign Language (ASL) and unlock the power of communication with the help of our comprehensive program!
In this sign language course, you will learn to skillfully fingerspell, master an array of signs, and confidently engage in conversations using phrases and full sentences. Silent instructional videos throughout the sign language training course provide an immersion in the Deaf experience to showcase proper sign techniques, highlight the importance of facial expressions, and develop fluency for meaningful conversations in this elegant and expressive language.
Whether you are interested in learning sign language for personal or professional reasons, our course is perfectly designed to provide a convenient and effective way to achieve your goals. Learn sign language online today!
6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hrs
Online with ed2go. Click here to register.
Effective Business Writing (Self-Guided)
with ed2go online, York Adult Education

Improve your career prospects by learning how to develop powerful written documents that draw readers in and keep them motivated to continue to the end. Start Dates: July 17, Aug 14, Sep11, Oct 16.
Online with ed2go. Click here to register.
Explore a Career in Cybersecurity (Self-Guided)
with ed2go online, York Adult Education

This course will give you the knowledge to help you decide whether a career in cybersecurity is right for you. This course is designed to explore the basics of cybersecurity and the types of jobs found in the cybersecurity field. Start Dates: July 17, Aug 14, Sep11, Oct 16.
Online with ed2go. Click here to register.
Finding Purpose in Your Career
with MindEdge online, York Adult Education

No matter where you are in your career, it is important to understand how the job you perform contributes to your sense of fulfillment in life. This course prompts you to examine various job settings and functions, comparing each against your own preferences, values, and expectations, in order to determine the best job fit for you.
Click here to register #MindEdge