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Arts & Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Zentangle 101
with Martha Brooks, Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

This introductory course teaches the basics of the Zentangle Method of pen and ink drawing, an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. This course will provide instruction in fundamental pen strokes, multiple tangle patterns, and simple shading techniques. We will cover the basic components of design and explore ideas for embellishment. Material kits are available for pick up at the Five Town CSD Adult Ed in Rockport or Central Lincoln County Adult Ed in Damariscotta. They can also be mailed for a nominal fee.
Marbleize It!
with Katherine Mayfield, Kittery Adult Education

Marbleize it! Learn a simple, easy technique for marbleizing objects in your home, from vases and candlesticks to tabletops, walls, fireplace surrounds, and kitchen backsplashes. You can turn any paintable surface into a marble lookalike. A multi-faceted creative artist, Katherine Mayfield loves to repurpose household objects by marbleizing them—painting them to look like marble. Her favorite projects include candlesticks, vases, tabletops, and coffee tables. Please bring: an object or two that you'd like to marbleize.
Thursday, March 6, 7-9pm
Registration Fee: $40
Material Fee: $10, payable to the instructor by cash (ideally exact change) or check
Paper Flowers
with Jadyn LaDeau, Deer Isle Adult and Community Education

Join us for this two hour introductory workshop to make realistic paper flowers that will last long past spring! These flowers are made from crepe paper, florist wire and a variety of other materials. We will work with a beginner level flower design, and show examples of where continuing the work might take you!
Ages 10 and up welcome!
Will run
Pottery; Try Out the Potter's Wheel
with Joshua Rysted, MSAD#44 Adult & Continuing Education

**Two Dates Available**
Experience working on the potter’s wheel in this two-hour session for adults. Working on the wheel is an age-old practice of using your hands and a spinning wheel to create useful and beautiful objects out of clay. You will learn the basics of centering the clay on the wheel, opening the form, and pulling up the walls to make everything from bowls to vases. Up to three completed pieces per person will be glazed in your choice of color and will be ready for pick up approximately two weeks after class. The pieces are microwave and dishwasher safe. No previous clay experience is required for this class. All tools and supplies will be provided by the clay studio.
Session 1
Instructor: Joshua Rysted
When: Friday, March 7
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: The Pottery Studio
Tuition: $45.00 per person for 1 week
Will run
Creating With Watercolor - Beginners
with Kathryn Carter, York Adult Education

Join Kathryn Carter and learn how to create stunning seascapes, landscapes, plants, flowers and birds with professional instruction and step-by-step demonstrations. Learn how to select the right materials and handle them properly; color mixing ( to avoid making mud); the use of exciting techniques to capture light and shadow; and much more. Watercolor teaches us to slow down, be present, and enjoy the journey with confidence, gratitude, patience, and joy. Let’s paint!
MATERIALS – 2024-2025
PALETTE Mijello 18-well airtight (Amazon $20). Any covered palette will work.
PAINT I recommend small tubes. Pans are hard to work with. Sets contain colors we do not use and they omit ones we do need. Windsor Newton, DaVinci, Daniel Smith are a few of the trusted brands we use. Colors Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, French Ultramarine, Sap green, Titanium white. Additional but optional: Raw Sienna, Permanent Rose, Cerulean, Payne’s Gray
PAPER Arches Watercolor Paper Pad, 140 lb. Cold Press- 9x12.
BRUSHES Synthetic rounds in sizes #2, #4, #6, #8. 1/2” Flat. #1 Liner (optional). Black Velvet brushes are a blend of natural hair and synthetic, hold a good point and lots of paint or water. I use my #8 all the time along with a few synthetic brushes.
MISCELLANEOUS White and kneaded erasers, masking tape (1/2”), paper towels, HB pencils, notebook, kitchen towel, toothbrush, old credit card. I will supply water containers for class use. SOURCES: Cheap Joe’s, Dick Blick, Daniel Smith, Jerry’s Artarama
Intro to Weaving
with Margaret B. Russell, Portland Adult Education

Playwriting: Waldo Theatre Workshop - NEW!
with The Waldo Theatre, Midcoast Adult & Community Education

Join award-winning playwright Teralyn Reiter as she guides participants through the process of brainstorming, writing, and editing a play. Participants will learn the fundamentals of playwriting and engage in thought provoking activities and games to learn how to develop their ideas into plays while also discovering ways to be inspired when the inevitable writer's block hits.
Candle Making
with Lauren Chunias, Portland Adult Education