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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Personal Enrichment
Lighthouse Photo Workshop
with Steve McGrath, York Adult Education

In the first live online class, we'll start by learning camera settings, aperture, shutter, ISO, white balance and other compositional techniques critical to lighthouse photography. The following Saturday, during the Cruise, we’ll focus on photographing the wildlife and lighthouses, sharing techniques and approaches. Finally, we’ll meet online the following week to share, learn and critique our images. Limited to 15 students. This workshop is for beginner and intermediate photographers.
10 Lighthouses in 4 hours
July 10 Online Class 5:30-7:00
July 12 On the Cruise meet at 2:30 Cruise leaves at 3:30-7:30
July 17 Online Critique Class 5:30-7:00
Instructor: Steve McGrath
Tour of Messalonskee Lake*
with Gary Bennett, Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education

This is a beautiful three-hour educational, and ecological tour to the farthest reaches of Messalonskee Lake aboard the Snowdrifter II--a 25’ Godfrey Sanpan Limited Edition Luxury Cruiser. You will see firsthand invasive milfoil as it passes alongside the boat just inches below the lake surface; learn about statewide eradication efforts all while enjoying the natural beauty of Messalonskee Lake. Search for Sandhill Cranes and endangered Least Bittern and Black Tern as we travel through the 1300-acre emergent wetland known as the Messalonskee Lake Marsh. The North American Bald Eagles may make their presence known, and you will learn about the history of the area and the lake. Captain Gary is a Registered Maine Guide and licensed commercial boat operator. Rain date will be announced later if needed. This is a handicap accessible boat for normal-size wheelchairs. Students must be at least 10 years old and accompanied by a parent or guardian if between ages 10 and 17. Bathrooms available on shore, if necessary. We must have 8 students and the tour is limited to 8 students. Meet Captain Bennett at 97 Rocky Shore Lane, Oakland
Oyster Farm Complimentary Tasting Sea Kayak Tour
with Alice Bean Andrenyak, Central Lincoln County Adult Education

Oyster Farm and Complimentary Tasting Sea Kayak Tour
with Alice Bean Andrenyak, Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Join Master Maine Guide Alice Andrenyak starting early morning to avoid the winds on Mere Point Bay. While paddling in solo or tandem kayaks, you'll learn about aquaculture in Maine—fishing, clamming, scallop and oyster farming. You'll learn about the area's natural and human history. We'll visit an oyster farm then land on an island where you'll learn to shuck oysters then taste your success. This tour is beginner- and family-friendly. Sea kayaks, life jackets, and paddles are provided. You provide your own water and snacks. We meet at 8:15 AM and return about noon.
Explore Messalonske Lake by Kayak*
with Kathy Moore, Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education

Messalonskee Lake and Stream are wonderful natural resources of the mid-Maine region, offering numerous recreational and conservation activities.
If you’ve always wanted to learn to kayak and explore the lake’s ecology, this class will provide a free kayak lesson, with all necessary equipment supplied. You will also learn about the flora and fauna of the lake and stream, followed by a kayak paddle near shore to observe various specimens.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic swimming skills (we will stay close to shore).
What to Bring:
Be prepared with extra clothes in case you get wet.
Age Requirement: Must be 17 or older to register.
If needed, a rain date will be announced.
Golf for Beginners
with Ashton Benn, Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

This course will focus on how to begin playing the game of golf. Each week will cover a different aspect of the game from basic rules, formats of play, and history of the sport through the fourth week playing a nine-hole round of golf. Along the way students will learn the mechanics of the golf swing, use of clubs, putting and chipping, and be introduced to the variety of golf equipment and apparel that is essential to playing the game. At the end of the course, students will feel confident in their game regardless of age, ability, and physique.
with ed2go ONLINE, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education
Offering a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet.
All of our courses are led by expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you.
Ready to explore our catalog? Browse our catalog or check out our Popular, New, and Featured Course
with Recreational Safety Division Representative, Sacopee Valley Adult & Community Education
Participation in a snowmobile education course will teach you how to properly operate and maintain a snowmobile. Laws, responsibilities, and personal safety will also be covered. It’s important to ride safely, responsibly, and to be prepared before you go. With over 95% of Maine’s snowmobile trails on private property, it is critical all riders respect the trails and private landowners by riding responsibly. Educating yourself before you go is an important component of being a safe and responsible snowmobiler. In Maine, snowmobile safety certification is not legally required, but is encouraged. The Snowmobile Safety Course is available in two different formats: online and in-person. Students 12 and up may take the online course. Students 10 and up may take an in-person course. Passage of a final exam is required for certification. FMI go to html or call (207) 287-5220