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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Personal Enrichment
with Michelle Spencer, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education
Chair YogaThis morning online class offers mind and body benefits without having to get up and off the floor!
THURS 9-10am/$35 per SESSION
(Please note: The printed catalogue price was incorrect. Sorry for any inconvenience)
Orono-Chair Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership
Chair Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks
This morning class, practiced in a chair, offers mind and body benefits without having to get up and off the floor or even changing into Yoga clothes. Enjoy a “pick me up” at home or at your office by using structural techniques to improve your range of motion, relax tight or overused muscles and release tension from the mind.
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Thursdays: 9:00-10:00 am
Starts: Session 2 March 13 - April 17
Cost: $62 for 6 week session
Moonrise Hike/Picnic at Bauneg Beg Conservation Area North
with Sue Pike, Marshwood Adult & Community Education
Join GWRLT and Sue Pike for a moonrise hike/picnic at Bauneg Beg Mountain Conservation Area North.. Participants should bring a headlamp and food/drink to share for a picnic at the top.
All hikes are open to the public and free of charge to GWRLT members. $5 donation per person or $10 donation per family is suggested for non-members. Paid at hike location.
Will run
Pumped Up Strength - Session 2
with Jenna Chase, RSU16 Adult Education
Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. Utilizing combination movement patterns in a targeted, rhythmic progression, its superpower is the dynamic integration of upper and lower body movements set to fun music.
Each class is taught "live" Fridays from 6:15-7:00am and you will have access to the recordings for a duration of 6 weeks
Pumped Up Strength Session II
with Jenna Chase, Gorham Adult Education
Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. Utilizing combination movement patterns in a targeted, rhythmic progression, its superpower is the dynamic integration of upper and lower body movements set to fun music. The result? A sweat-drenched, functionally efficient workout that will challenge your body in new ways, improve lean muscle mass, and rev your metabolism. In this class, you will want a set of hand weights anywhere from 5 lbs to - 15 lbs. Jenna is a certified Group Fitness instructor with a degree in Exercise Science. Jenna has taught group fitness classes for over a decade and enjoys helping people move their bodies to feel empowered and strong!
Session II: 6 classes, Fridays, 3/14-4/18, 6:15am-7:15am, virtual, $44
Strength & Balance for Seniors Session 2
with Michelle Spencer, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education
Strength & Balance for Seniors ONLINE
Work on strengthening and stretching the muscles and improving cardiovascular and bone density health.
MONS 8:30-9:30am/$35 per session
SESSION 1: JAN 20, 27, FEB 3,10, 24 & MAR 3
SESSION 2: MAR 17, 24, 31 APR 7, 14 & 28
Gentle Fitness for Health MONDAYS Session 2
with Michelle Spencer, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education
All online exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis and other health concerns.
This virtual class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility.
MONS 10-11am/$35 per session
Orono-Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership
Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks
A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body!
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Tuesdays: 9-10 am
Starts: Session 2 - Tuesday, March 18 - April 29 (No clases April 22)
Cost: $62 for each 6 week session