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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Personal Enrichment
Pumped Up Strength - Session 2
with Jenna Chase, RSU16 Adult Education

Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. Utilizing combination movement patterns in a targeted, rhythmic progression, its superpower is the dynamic integration of upper and lower body movements set to fun music.
Each class is taught "live" Fridays from 6:15-7:00am and you will have access to the recordings for a duration of 6 weeks
Pumped Up Strength Session II
with Jenna Chase, Gorham Adult Education

Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. Utilizing combination movement patterns in a targeted, rhythmic progression, its superpower is the dynamic integration of upper and lower body movements set to fun music. The result? A sweat-drenched, functionally efficient workout that will challenge your body in new ways, improve lean muscle mass, and rev your metabolism. In this class, you will want a set of hand weights anywhere from 5 lbs to - 15 lbs. Jenna is a certified Group Fitness instructor with a degree in Exercise Science. Jenna has taught group fitness classes for over a decade and enjoys helping people move their bodies to feel empowered and strong!
Session II: 6 classes, Fridays, 3/14-4/18, 6:15am-7:15am, virtual, $44
Strength & Balance for Seniors Session 2
with Michelle Spencer, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education

Strength & Balance for Seniors ONLINE
Work on strengthening and stretching the muscles and improving cardiovascular and bone density health.
MONS 8:30-9:30am/$35 per session
SESSION 1: JAN 20, 27, FEB 3,10, 24 & MAR 3
SESSION 2: MAR 17, 24, 31 APR 7, 14 & 28
Gentle Fitness for Health MONDAYS Session 2
with Michelle Spencer, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education

All online exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis and other health concerns.
This virtual class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility.
MONS 10-11am/$35 per session
Zumba - 6 Week
with Maribel Deprese, Noble Adult & Community Education

NACE is excited to welcome back instructor Maribel Despres and her zumba classes!
Join Maribel at Noble High School in North Berwick, where you can take the “work” out of workout! She mixes low-intensity and high-intensity moves for a calorie-burning dance fitness party. Zumba is a total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility. There will be class sessions offered Monday evenings.
Bring a water bottle; wear comfortable clothes and shoes with little to no tread to reduce twisting knee joints.
No class February 17, April 21, May 26
Birding by Ear
with Gary Roberts, Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Have you ever imagined going birding unencumbered by field guides, binoculars, or spotting scope? or wondered what bird is singing just out of sight? Join Maine Guide and Naturalist Gary Roberts to learn the songs of the common birds of our fields, woods, and backyards. Class skips 4/14 and 4/21.
Orono-Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks
A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body!
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Tuesdays: 9-10 am
Starts: Session 2 - Tuesday, March 18 - April 29 (No clases April 22)
Cost: $62 for each 6 week session
Tai Yoga
with Michelle Spencer, RSU 19 Adult Education

A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body!