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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Personal Enrichment
Tai Chi for Health and Balance*
with Monica Hawk, Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education

Tai Chi for Health and Balance is an enjoyable exercise that can improve balance, relieve pain, and improve health and ability to do things. It is a slow exercise. It is easy to learn and good for all ability levels. The essential principles of Tai Chi include mind and body integration, fluid movements, controlled breathing and mental concentration. Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises for the health of mind and body. It helps people to relax and feel better. Book and DVD available for purchase upon request. There will be no class oduring school vacation on April 22nd and April 25th. Storm make up/s will be on May 6th and May 9th. Limit 20 students.
Will run
with Susan Boyce-Cormier, Franklin County Adult Education

Senior yoga is a gentle yoga class for both the novice and the experienced yogi. Attention is given to making adaptations for an aging body and there is an emphasis on balance. A yoga mat is required . A yoga block and strap is helpful but not required. Participants should be able to get down on the floor and back up without assistance.
Beginner Level Yoga (session 2)
with Wendy McLoon, Bangor Adult & Community Education

Keto - Walking Buddies
with Annette Hurman, Wells-Ogunquit Adult Community Education

Do you want to improve your health, increase your energy, and get into shape for the summer? Keto is a great way to start! Learn how to read foods labels, manage carbs, and find great recipes to help achieve ketosis and lose weight! 30 minute class then 30 minute walk on the indoor track. Wear comfortable dress for walking, water bottle, notebook and pen/pencil.
Planning and Paying for College
with Finance Authority of Maine, Windham/Raymond Adult Education

Do you have children who will be looking at college in the next few years or might you be thinking of returning to school yourself? Now is a great time to start thinking about the college financial aid process and ways to boost college savings. The earlier you start, the more confident and relaxed you will feel when it's time to apply for financial aid. Join Jessica Whittier, FAME's College Access Counselor for this one-hour workshop as we talk all things paying for college.
Will run
Gutzy Goddess
with Mary Anne Dalleo, Wells-Ogunquit Adult Community Education

Consists of Basic Belly Dance positions and moves, with a twist of hula moves and abdominal floor work.
This class is for beginners.
Comfy clothes are all that’s required.
BIO: A professional dance instructor with over 40 years’ experience, Mary Anne Dalleo still believes in “old school “instruction. She concentrates on how the body benefits from correct positioning while also allowing the body to do what comes “naturally. “She’s owned 4 dance studios from New York to Maine and knows what makes a student transform into a “happy” dancer.
Ballroom/Latin S1
with Sergei Slussky, Wells-Ogunquit Adult Community Education

Foxtrot, Waltz, East Coast Swing
Instructor: Sergei Slussky
Low Back Relief Yoga Workshop
with NANCY COTTY, Noble Adult & Community Education

This workshop is designed to help strengthen and stretch the low back and abdominal muscles. These two muscle groups work together to form a strong core to support our whole body. The poses that we learn will also open the hips and stretch the back and whole body. We will learn many poses that can be practiced at home. Join us and learn some poses that can help relieve your tension. All levels are welcome. Information learned through yoga classes and workshops should not be considered a substitute for medical advice.