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English Language Learners
in Literacy
ESOL - Level 1
with Luki Hewitt, Windham/Raymond Adult Education

Students new to English. Remote (Zoom)
For more information or to register, please reach out to ABE Coordinator Catherine Giuffre-Renaud by phone (207) 892-1819, Ext. 2191 or email at: . Thank you for choosing Windham Raymond Adult Education!
ESOL - Level 3
with Christi Tebbets, Windham/Raymond Adult Education

Students with some conversation ability
For more information or to register, please reach out to ABE Coordinator Catherine Giuffre-Renaud by phone (207) 892-1819, Ext. 2191 or email at: . Thank you for choosing Windham Raymond Adult Education!
ESOL for Beginners: In Person
with Nina Pleasants, RSU 54/MSAD 54 Adult and Community Education

Note: This class will be offered in person at Skowhegan Area High School.
This class assists students who are not native English speakers in developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
Instruction will be most appropriate for those who are at a beginner or intermediate level of English proficiency.
Beginners: 5:30pm to 7:00pm
For more information, please call 474-7553.
ESOL - Level 4
with Luki Hewitt, Windham/Raymond Adult Education

Students with good conversational skills
For more information or to register, please reach out to ABE Coordinator Catherine Giuffre-Renaud by phone (207) 892-1819, Ext. 2191 or email at: . Thank you for choosing Windham Raymond Adult Education!
ELL Low Intermediate W25
with Tracy Weber, Augusta Adult and Community Education

Critical Reading: Intriguing True Stories
with Phil Wormuth, RSU 24 Adult Education

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction! Read about some unexplained, natural occurances in the world. Even if you don't think of yourself as a reader, these strange stories will pull you in!
Spark your curiosity by reading a series of high-interest, nonfiction stories and articles designed to enlighten and entertain while building your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Students who complete this course sucessfully will be awarded a high school ELS credit.
Please call our office if you are interested in participating in this class: 422-4794.
English Language Learning - Beginner Level 2 - Tuesday
with Jazzy Mills, Lawrence Adult Education

ELL Beginner Level 2 with Jazzy MillsIn this course, we'll focus on conversations. You'll learn how to describe your daily life, and how to ask simple questions to keep a conversation going.
En este curso, nos centraremos en las conversaciones. Aprenderás a describir tu vida diaria y a hacer preguntas sencillas para mantener una conversación.
Styles of Literature
with Phil Wormuth, RSU 24 Adult Education

Whether you love to read or don't read very often, you'll find a style of writing that catches your attention. In Styles of Literature, you can continue building your reading and writing skills for work or college. (This is one of our high school completion classes.)
Read a collection of high-interest texts to discover how writers carefully craft their works in compelling and dramatic ways. In addition to reading a variety stories and articles, you will write a number of short papers to develop your own style of writing fiction and non-fiction.
What's your favorite style of writing? In class, you'll explore a verity of genres (styles): Action and adventure, allegory, articles, autobiography, biography, drama, diary/memoir, fiction, horror, letters, non-fiction, poetry, satire, science-fiction, speeches...
Participants can earn one high school level English credit by completing this course successfully.
Please call us for more information or to register for this class: 207-422-4794.