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English Language Learners
in Literacy
College and Career Advising
with RSU #13 Adult and Community Education

Are you thinking about making a change in your job or career?
Are you considering going back to school for further training and education, but aren’t sure where to go?
RSU 13 Adult Education can help! Our college and career advisor can meet with you to complete career assessments, research options that fit your needs and make a plan to reach your goal. If you are considering college and training programs, our instructors can help you improve your English and Math scores on the tests needed to gain admission. We can help you apply for financial aid and scholarships, and assist you with the transition into your program.
Please complete the registration form and RSU 13 Adult and Community Education staff will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
Do you have a class idea? Tell us!
with Lynn Sheehan, York Adult Education

We believe that incorporating fresh and innovative topics into our classes not only keeps our students engaged and motivated, but also enhances their learning experience. It is vital for us to constantly adapt and evolve our teaching methods to meet the changing needs and interests of our students. Please tell us your idea for a new class!
English Language Tutoring
with Teaching Volunteers, York Adult Education

Want to privately improve your English speaking? We can pair you up with a qualified volunteer to help you improve your skills. Students must make a registration appointment by calling 207.363.7922 or emailing By Appointment.
Foreign Credential Evaluation Advising
with Elizabeth DiLalla, RSU #13 Adult and Community Education

Do you have a college degree in your home country and you need help with the credential evaluation process? We can help! We can also help you find funding to pay for the process.
Open enrollment and flexible scheduling throughout the semester.
HiSET Diploma (formerly GED)
with Various Teachers, York Adult Education

Want to feel more prepared for the HiSET (the testing option similar to GED)? We help prepare you in math, reading, and writing to pass the test! Call to register at 207.363.7922 or email and schedule pre-testing. Rolling Admission. Reading and Writing Skills, Mon 6-8pm Math Skills, Tues 6-8pm The High School Equivalency Test (formerly GED) is five required tests: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. We offer classes and/or individual tutoring to help you prepare for the tests.
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Individual Tutoring
with Teaching Volunteers, York Adult Education

Want to privately improve your reading, math, or speaking skills? We can pair you up with a qualified volunteer to help you improve your skills. By Appointment. Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Anytime, Anyday, FREE Call 207-363-7922 for an appointment. Or email #1on1
US Citizenship Test Prep Class
with Shawn Cola, York Adult Education

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Would you like to teach for us?
with Lynn Sheehan, York Adult Education

Are you passionate about education and looking for a rewarding teaching opportunity? Look no further than York Adult Education! With a long-standing reputation for excellence, York Adult Education provides a dynamic and supportive environment for both students and educators alike. Whether you are an experienced teacher, just starting your teaching career, or never taught before, joining our team will give you the chance to make a real difference in the lives of adult learners.
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