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Interview Preparation
with Suzette Moulton, CCSP, RSU16 Adult Education
No matter how much experience you have, meeting with a stranger to talk about yourself in an employment interview can be stressful and intimidating. If you would like some tips and low-stakes practice, call 345-3217 to set up a 2-hour mock interview appointment with our Certified Career Services Provider. Free.
Introduction To Fiction Writing
with UGot Class, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education
Designed specifically for those with little to no fiction writing experience, find your pathway towards your fiction writing goals. Learn the basic building blocks of story: character, plot and setting. Then find out the different forms of fiction writing and some of the genres you might like to explore.
Whether you’ve never written a word of fiction, or haven’t written since high school or college, you will complete the course with the skills you need to get started. Create a new work of fiction, or revive an old one that’s been sitting in your bottom drawer.
Click here for more information about the course specifics, dates, cost and registration.
Introduction to Finance
with MindEdge Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education
Understanding basic finance is important for any managerial position, even non-financial managers. This introductory-level course starts at the beginning, discussing finance as an organizational setting and legal forms of business. The course continues on to cover the responsibilities of financial managers, roles of finance in a typical business organization, and relevant financial markets of interest to financial managers. Further, the course will discuss corporate financing and the role the stock market plays in the business world.
For more information click on the link.
Introduction to Google Analytics
with Ed2Go, Massabesic Adult and Community Education
Start Anytime! In this course, you will learn to use Google Analytics to make the most of your online traffic. You will see how you can track not just the to all of your online content, but also determine which content is the most appealing, where your visitors came from, what devices they used, how long they stayed, which links they clicked, and where they went when they left. This course guides you step-by-step, report-by-report, through the major parts of the Google Analytics interface. From setting up your Google Analytics account and getting the all-important code you will need to add to your web pages to begin tracking your visitors.
Find out more and register today by visiting the Ed2Go website.
Introduction to Interior Design
with ed 2go, Kittery Adult Education
To register for this class or for more details visit:
Are you a creative person with an eye for design? If so, this course will show you how to transform plain living spaces into beautiful and functional rooms.
Interior design takes training as well as talent, and these lessons will give you the know-how you need to design a room from floor to ceiling. You'll delve into color theory, industry trends, spatial arrangements, floor plans, traditional and modern interior design ideas, and other basics. In addition, you'll explore a range of careers in interior design and get insider tips for entering this exciting field.
Introduction to Interior Design
with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education
Are you a creative person with an eye for design? If so, this course will show you how to transform plain living spaces into beautiful and functional rooms.
Interior design takes training as well as talent, and these lessons will give you the know-how you need to design a room from floor to ceiling. You'll delve into color theory, industry trends, spatial arrangements, floor plans, traditional and modern interior design ideas, and other basics. In addition, you'll explore a range of careers in interior design and get insider tips for entering this exciting field.
Because interior design is constantly evolving, you'll also learn about some of the latest trends affecting the industry. You'll investigate "green" sustainable design, and you'll find out how to modify your designs for people with special needs.
As you master design skills step-by-step, you'll complete your first project: a fully developed room design complete with spatial layout, lighting, and finish selections. Your new knowledge and hands-on practice will give you the confidence you need to start creating beautiful residential interiors for yourself and others.
This is a self-paced class.
For more information please click on the link.
Introduction to iPhone Basics
with Boomer Tech, Bangor Adult & Community Education
Introduction to iPhone Basics
with BoomerTECH Adventures, Mt. Desert Island Adult & Community Education
This is a self-paced, online course.
The vast majority of iPhone users rarely access all of the available iPhone features. In this course, learn to use your iPhone to the best possible advantage. Some critical features covered include Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; how to use the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; and more. An additional session will include iOS 15 updates and the unique features of the newest iPhones (iPhone 12 & 13).
Open Enrollment - take it when you want! These classes are online/videos, on demand so once you register for it, you can watch it as much as you'd like!
BoomerTECH Adventures helps Boomers and Seniors create, connect, and contribute using today’s technology. These courses are fully asynchronous, online courses that students complete on their own time and at your own speed. Each course is a PDF booklet with information about the class, instructions on using the class, and the content of the class (videos and articles). The instructors provide personalized support for the class via email and/or online chat.