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Estate Planning*
with Rob Smith, Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education

A properly planned estate strategy gives you control over how to provide for who or what you value most, both in a financial and personal sense, when you are no longer able to do it for yourself. A Zoom option is available please email after you have registered. Storm makeup will be April 1. Limit 15 students.
The Basic Principles of Finance
with Lester Hochberg, Marshwood Adult & Community Education

This class begins with a primer on the basic principles of budgeting, bank accounts, and credit card use. If time allows, we will also cover retirement planning, investing surplus funds, and Social Security and Medicare planning issues for those approaching retirement. The needs of the group will direct this course. All attendees will be encouraged to discuss the real-life problems that may be present in their lives and explore ways of resolving those issues.
Beginner Plus Guitar
with Jeffrey Chaplin, Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education

Have you started to learn chords and songs, and are you looking for more formal instruction or the next step in your guitar playing? This class will build your confidence and take you to the next level. Jeffrey will teach you about music and songs, and different styles of music, and help you advance your guitar playing ability.
Next Level ASL: Immersion in Sign Language
with Tristan Petersen, Windham/Raymond Adult Education

You've taken the beginner's course and have some sign language under your belt. Here's your opportunity to continue learning more words, phrases, nuances of ASL.
Self-Publishing in a Nutshell
with Katherine Mayfield, Kittery Adult Education

Do you have a novel, memoir, or nonfiction book you’d like to publish? Learn about the differences between traditional publishing and self-publishing, and find out how you can publish your book yourself.
Katherine has self-published more than 10 books.
Tuesday, March 25, 7-9pm
Regisrtation Fee: $40
Behavioral Health Professional Training BHP IN PERSON MAR 26
with Wendy Enright, MSAD 52 Adult & Community Education

MARCH 26th 8:30-4:30pm @ Brewer Community Center
Our community is looking for individuals who want to make a difference in a child’s life.
A Certified Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) makes an impact on a child while helping them learn to grow and develop. This BLENDED training program (online modules and a live, instructor-led, virtual session) will equip you with ways to help children who are in need of services and will also prepare you for employment through local social services agencies.
Work at your own pace completing 12 online modules prior to attending the live sessions, including the new ethics and boundaries training. Once the modules and live sessions are completed, you will receive links to bloodborne pathogen training and Child and Adult First Aid & CPR training. The entire program requirements will take about 45 hours to complete. Individuals must be 18 years of age with a high school diploma or equivalent to register.
MSAD 52 & Woodfords are partnering to offer this course.
Please call 225-1010 or email Tricia for more information!
PLEASE NOTE: Virtual BHP Live Day
The following is required to enroll in a Virtual BHP Live Day session: a computer with audio (a headset/earbuds recommended) strong internet connection, Adobe Connect - a link and instructions will be emailed one week prior to class.
Orientation: Wednesday - 8:30AM
with Caroline Mitchell, Region 9 Adult & Community Education

How Do I Get Enrolled in Adult Education?
The first step in enrolling in Adult Education is Orientation!
What happens during an Orientation?
We are so glad you asked! We want you to be prepared and informed about what to expect during your Orientation session.
During your Orientation Session you will:
- Meet with our student advisor
- Discuss what you would like to accomplish through Adult Education
- Fill out enrollment paperwork
- Sit for academic placement testing
What you should know before you arrive:
- We are located at 377 River Road, Mexico, ME 04257
- The Adult Education entrance is the one that is facing the road
- You should ring the bell and wait for us to buzz you in. Once we do that, you can come right upstairs
- The Orientation process can take a few hours, so please plan accordingly
What you MUST bring to your Orientation Session:
- A current, valid Maine Photo ID (Maine drivers license, Maine State ID card, Passport, Military ID, etc.) Please present this at the time of your appointment for identification verification.
(If you do not have any of those form of Photo ID, please reach out and let us know before scheduling an Orientation so we can assist you in the necessary next steps.)
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to us! We would love to hear from you!
Phone: (207) 364-2012 Option 4
Landscape Studio in Pastel
with Ed Higgins, Merrymeeting Community & Adult Education

Get ready for the upcoming summer plein air season by studying and exploring spring landscapes in pastel from the comfort of Room 3. We’ll warm up as usual with speed sketching, do our astronaut stuff, finding our process, developing our palette, getting color in our colors, and trying out new grounds and surfaces. Enrollment is limited to students who have taken some pastel, plein air painting, sketching, color, open studio or astronaut class with Ed Higgins. All others, please contact the instructor before signing up ( Minimum materials list for this class is a set of soft pastels, and several sanded/pastel ground surfaces or boards to paint on. *No Class: 4/23. **Special note about art materials: Please do not call our office about materials. Come to the first class with your favorite sketchbook and drawing pencils & pens. Suggested materials will be discussed by the instructor on the first day of classes. Thank you.