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Computers and Technology
in Business & Skills Training
Maximize Your iPad’s Potential
with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee, Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education
Learn to increase your capabilities to communicate, create, and connect by mastering your iPad’s features. This online, self-paced course covers navigating your iPad, its Camera and Photos apps, the options available in Settings, ways to communicate through writing and video, plus how to answer and make phone calls. Plus, you will learn about the apps that came already loaded on your iPad like the Calendar and Siri, your virtual assistant. It is important that you have the most current iOS update; but don’t worry—if you don’t know how, we will show you the steps. Finally, you will also learn about accessibility features that are helpful for folks with finger mobility, sight, or hearing difficulties.
Medical Transcription
with Ed 2Go, RSU 54/MSAD 54 Adult and Community Education
This is an online course. Click to register.
Learn how to transcribe the most common medical reports used in both inpatient and outpatient settings. This course contains grammar review, as well as important clinical knowledge of major disease processes that are essential to enhancing your skills as a medical documentation specialist.
This is a 6 week class - Start dates are September 11 or October 16.
Microsoft Excel
with Andre Cormier, Franklin County Adult Education
Microsoft’s Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software to organize and manage data related to business operations. This course focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in Excel, including data entry, basic formula calculations, and formatting and style operations. During the course, you will learn how to build a spreadsheet from scratch and gain a greater understanding of the most popular Excel commands and functions. This would be a 6 week offering, with 4 modules and a final project.
Fee will be TBD
More Hidden Gems in Your iPhone/iPad
with BoomerTECH Adventures, Mt. Desert Island Adult & Community Education
In our basic course on “hidden gems,” we explored: tracking, slide to type, customizing your control center, and accessing the built-in scanner among other cool features. In this level 2 course, we delve into the additional secrets of our iPhones and iPads. Learn how to set up helpful widgets, control text size, choose an interesting Siri sidekick, access important privacy features, and more. You’ll definitely increase your understanding of the intricacies of your iPhone and/or iPad at the conclusion of this course.
For more information on BoomerTECH Adventures Click HERE
Open Enrollment - take it when you want! These classes are online/videos, on demand so once you register for it, you can watch it as much as you'd like!
More Hidden Gems in Your iPhone/iPad
with BoomerTECH Adventures, with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee, Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education
NEW! Conquer Your Photos App Chaos: Tame Your Mac Images
with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee, Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education
Many people have 1000 or more images stored in their Mac desktop/laptop Photos App. Frustration sets in when one tries to locate a picture or a video among the multitude of saved images.Understanding the built-in organization of the Mac Photos app is the first thing you will learn in this online, self-paced course. Next comes organizing your images and video into albums and folders in order to develop your own management system. Plus, you will learn how to tag people in photos and create shared albums which you can invite friends and family to view.
NorthStar Digital Literacy Micro Credentials
with Marci Dionne, Kittery Adult Education
Earn certificates in the areas that are important to you for daily life, employment or higher education. Choose the lessons and assessments you want to learn: basic computer skills, internet basics, Windows 10, Microsoft Word Office 2016, Excel, Mac OS, Using Email, Google Docs, Power Point, Your Digital Footprint, Supporting K-12 Learning, and/or Information Literacy.
Free to eligible adult education students or $70 for non
Will run
Orono-BoomerTECH Adventures Courses
with BoomerTech Adventures For Info Call 207-866-4119, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership
BoomerTECH Adventures Courses (BTA) - Self-Paced and Virtual Contact: Orono Adult Education Office for more information 207-866-4119/
BoomerTECH Adventures courses are developed by Jill Spencer, Ed Brazee and Chris Toy, all Maine educators. All of our courses contain multiple videos which are self-paced. Students complete courses on their own time and at their own speed. Each course is a PDF booklet with information about the class, instructions for taking the class, and the content of the class (videos and articles accessible from direct links). The three instructors (Jill Spencer, Chris Toy and Ed Brazee) provide personalizedsupport for the class via email, phone, and Zoom.
Introduction to Mac Basics - Introduction to iPhone Basics - Cooking With BoomerTECH - iPhone/iPad Vision Accessibility Features - Introduction to Zoom Basics - Create & Deliver Online Zoom Courses - 15 iPhone/iPad Vision Accessibility Features - Conquer Your Mac Photos App: Edit Your Images - Hidden Gems Lurking on Your iPhone & iPad #1 - More Hidden Gems Lurking in Your iPhone/iPad #2 - Adventures Digital Tools for the Beginning Memoir Writer - Conquer Your Photos App Chaos: Tame Your Mac Images - Unlock Safari’s Secrets on Your Mac in Just Five Lessons - Take Fabulous Photos of the Flora and Fauna in Your World - Unlock Safari’s Secrets on Your iPhone in Just Five Lessons
Cost: $40 each class