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Business Training
in Business & Skills Training
Maine Notary Public Basics
with Mike Emery, Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education
Welding - MIG II (Mar 2025)
with Devon Sproul, Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Education
This 36-hour course is for students with prior MIG welding experience, and students who have previously taken the MIG I course. The course will cover advanced machine setup, advanced weld joint setup, and multi-pass welding in hard wire and flux core MIG. Safety is covered in the first two sessions. Upon course completion students are eligible for employment through several area businesses. Students provide their own safety glasses, welding gloves, and reinforced-toe footwear. Please be sure to complete the 2-part form at this link and return it to MCST to complete your registration.
Welding - TIG
with Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Education
This 36-hour course is for students with some training in either MIG or STICK welding. TIG (GTAW) is most commonly used to weld thin sections of stainless steel and light metals. It is the most difficult of all types of welding, but can give clean, strong, x-ray quality welds when mastered. Students will learn proper techniques for flat fillet welding with carbon steel using the GTAW process. Safety is covered in the first two sessions. Students provide their own safety glasses, welding gloves, and reinforced-toe footwear. Please fill out the 2 part form and return it to MCST to complete your registration.To register for this class, please call the Adult Education Director at 596-7752, ext 104.
Implementing Your Strategies & Plan
with LERN U Got Class, Sanford Community Adult Education
This is an online course. This class can be taken anytime, anywhere during the class dates specified.
Registration can be done up to a week after class starts.
You’ve segmented your markets, identified your threats, and set your goals. Now comes the hard part: turning the strategic plan into action. Learn how to break down your goals into actionable steps. Make decisions collaboratively to engage your team and ensure better use of their abilities. Keep them on track by effectively using modern communications tools and holding better meetings. Engage your institution positively to gain its support. Finally, ensure success by managing change effectively when obstacles arise and by developing your staff into a high-performance team that delivers on its goals.
For full details, see:
If have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact SCAE at
Quickbooks: Basic Accounting Principles and QB Online
with Val Landry, Mt. Desert Island Adult & Community Education
During these three sessions, you will learn basic accounting principles and how to apply them to setting up QuickBooks online for a small business or organization. The design of the course is that you'll attend the class and also do 2-3 hours of work between sessions which greatly enhances your learning. For this workshop, you have the option to receive a yearlong subscription to QB online. Upon registration, the survey provided will provide information about this opportunity. This is a live online class using ZOOM.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey included in your automated receipt so the instructor can tailor the course to meet your needs.
You will want to have Microsoft Excel on your computer for this workshop and many people find it helpful to have two monitors though it is certainly not necessary to benefit from the sessions. There are two ways to accomplish this: 1) attach an external screen to your computer (contact our program if you need technical assistance with that); 2) use two computers (one for Excel and the other for the ZOOM meeting.
Val is a lifelong business educator and academic advisor focused on helping enrich and enhance students' educational and life purposes. He is experienced in college management and, as an adult educator, having taught at the Mid-State College and Kennebec Valley Community College. His teaching experience covers over 45 years in the areas of computer applications, accounting, and Quickbooks training workshops.
Orono-How to Start an Ebay/Etsy Business - 4 weeks - In Person
with Irene Dennis, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership
How to Start an Ebay/Etsy Business - 4 weeks - In Person
Have you ever wanted to sell items on Ebay or Etsy, but just didn’t know how to get started? Now you can learn, in person, from an experienced seller! Get the inside scoop on topics like sourcing inventory, pricing, shipping and more. You will get hands-on experience so you can get the feel of doing it yourself. Having your own online “store” can be a great second income – find out if it’s right for you! Requires a basic understanding of computer use.
What you will need for this class:
A notebook and/or folder with pockets
Your laptop, Ipad or phone
Instructor: Irene Dennis
Date: Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 30 (No class April 23)
Time: 6:00-8:30pm
Cost: $40
Spring Into College Savings: The Alfond Grant and Maine’s College Savings Program
with FAME (Finance Authority of Maine), York Adult Education
Joining us – College Savings Superstar AlfondFoundation member, Caroline Palmatier Maine families have access to two valuableprograms to assist with saving and paying foreducation after high school: the $500 Alfond Grantand Maine’s College Savings program. While theseinitiatives offer great benefits, understanding eachof their features can sometimes be challenging.Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or student, thissession will provide you with information to makethe most of these valuable resources. Join us toimprove your understanding and take steps towardsa successful educational future!
Excel Advanced
with Val Landry, RSU 24 Adult Education
Take Excel further: hide data, split and freeze a window, create ranges, understand the name manager, use additional functions, copy and paste special, sort data, and learn the power of filters. Some examples of using Microsoft Excel as practical tools including the amortization table, 20 top functions companies want their employees to know, and pivot tables.
This is a live online class using ZOOM.