Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership
Orono, ME
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- General Enrichment (45)
- Health & Wellness (38)
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General Enrichment
in Personal Enrichment at Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership
Orono-Strength and Balanced for Senior Fitness: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Strength and Balanced for Senior Fitness: Virtual - 6 weeks
Reaching balanced wellness by working on strengthening and stretching the muscles, preventing falls, improving cardiovascular and bone density health. This class is progressive and increases your overall well-being throughout the 6 week session."Standing and Floor Work! This dynamic, full-bodied exercise program supports muscle growth and increases stamina! Prepare to be getting on and off the floor during the mat portion. If you have been working on your fitness and want to challenge yourself, "Senior Fitness" will guide you safely and effectively.
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Mondays: 8:30-9:30 am
Starts: Session 2 March 10 - April 14
Cost $35
Orono-Gentle Fitness for Health: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Gentle Fitness for Health: Virtual - 6 weeks
This class offers seated strength and flexibility exercises to improve mobility and fall prevention. All exercises will support people with arthritis, osteoporosis, and other health concerns if they are cleared by their primary care provider.
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Mondays: 10-11 am
Starts: Session 2 March 10 - April 14
Cost: $35 for each 6 week session
Orono-Chair Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Chair Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks
This morning class, practiced in a chair, offers mind and body benefits without having to get up and off the floor or even changing into Yoga clothes. Enjoy a “pick me up” at home or at your office by using structural techniques to improve your range of motion, relax tight or overused muscles and release tension from the mind.
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Thursdays: 9:00-10:00 am
Starts: Session 2 March 13 - April 17
Cost: $62 for 6 week session
Orono-Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Tai Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks
A practice that will involve a series of slow, rhythmic movements and physical postures, meditation, controlled breathing, stretching and strength for the mind and body!
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Tuesdays: 9-10 am
Starts: Session 2 - Tuesday, March 18 - April 29 (No clases April 22)
Cost: $62 for each 6 week session
Orono-Stress Reduction and Relaxation with Therapeutic Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
with Michelle Spencer - E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher), Mindful Meditation teacher, with training i, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Stress Reduction and Relaxation with Theraputic Yoga: Virtual - 6 weeks Session 2
This 60-minute Yoga class will provide sequences that calms the nervous system along with stretching/warming the muscles and preparing the mind to rest. Breathing techniques, short meditation and positive affirmations will end the practice.
Instructor: Michelle Spencer
Tuesdays: 5:30-6:30 pm
Starts: Session 2 - March 18 - April 29 (No class February 22)
Cost: $62 for each 6 week session
Orono-Introduction to Oil Painting 4 Weeks In Person
with Heather Barter, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Introduction to Oil Painting 4 Weeks In Person
Come and create “Your Masterpiece”! Although this class is called an “Introduction to Oil Painting”, it would be flexible enough to accommodate students who have had some experience with oils and are looking to refine their skills as well. We will explore the specific and unique qualities of oil paints while also providing instruction to further skills with the principles of color theory, design and elements of art.
Instructor: Heather Barter Date: March 31, April 7,14, 28 (No class April 21 school vacation)
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm Cost: $50 Materials: $10 (paid directly to instructor the night of 1st class) Location: Keith Anderson Community House
Will run
Hampden--Digital Photography
with Melanie Crowe, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Do you have a digital camera but are not quite sure how to use the settings to capture the shots you want? Bring your camera and learn how to adjust the manual settings to take the photos you always wanted. Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO will all be examined in this in depth look at how to use your digital camera. We will focus on the manual settings of your DSLRs, and learn how to choose the best setting for your desired shot.
Will run
Orono-Holocaust History - Victim Study - In Person
with Mathy Terril US Holocaust Memorial Museum Teaching Fellow, Orono-Hampden-Old Town Adult Ed Partnership

Holocaust History - Victim Study - In Person
Each week we will look at a different group of victims - 6 weeks, 6 different victim groups. We will delve into the lives of: Women, Roma/Sinti (Gypsy), People with disabilities, Jehovah's Witnesses, Homosexuals, and political opponents.
Instructor: Mathy Terrill
Date: Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 30 (No class 23, school vacation)May 7 & 14
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm Cost: $32 Location: Orono High School
Cost: $32