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Business & Skills Training
Introduction to iPhone Basics
with Boomer Tech, Bangor Adult & Community Education
Introduction to iPhone Basics
with BoomerTECH Adventures, Mt. Desert Island Adult & Community Education
This is a self-paced, online course.
The vast majority of iPhone users rarely access all of the available iPhone features. In this course, learn to use your iPhone to the best possible advantage. Some critical features covered include Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; how to use the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; and more. An additional session will include iOS 15 updates and the unique features of the newest iPhones (iPhone 12 & 13).
Open Enrollment - take it when you want! These classes are online/videos, on demand so once you register for it, you can watch it as much as you'd like!
BoomerTECH Adventures helps Boomers and Seniors create, connect, and contribute using today’s technology. These courses are fully asynchronous, online courses that students complete on their own time and at your own speed. Each course is a PDF booklet with information about the class, instructions on using the class, and the content of the class (videos and articles). The instructors provide personalized support for the class via email and/or online chat.
Introduction to iPhone Basics
with Boomer Tech, Bangor Adult & Community Education
Introduction to Mac Basics
with Boomer Tech, Bangor Adult & Community Education
In this course you will learn everything you need to know to make your Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac Operating System, features of the Mac, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer.
Introduction to Mac Basics
with BoomerTech Adventures with Maine educators Jill Spencer, Chris Toy, and Ed Brazee, Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education
In this online, self-paced course, you will learn everything you need to know to make your Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac Operating System, features of the Mac, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer.
Introduction to Mac Basics
with Boomer Tech, Bangor Adult & Community Education
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365
with ed 2go, Kittery Adult Education
To register or for more details visit:
Do you manage large sets of numbers, names, dates, or other pieces of information? If so, then you need to create worksheets to manage, store, organize, and even analyze this information. Excel, Microsoft’s powerful spreadsheet software, is the most widely-used program to handle this task. In fact, most workplaces require that new employees have a basic level of understanding of Microsoft Excel.
If you want to learn the 2019 version of Microsoft Excel, this course will introduce you to the program’s basic functions and uses. Through hands-on lessons, you will learn numerous shortcuts to quickly and efficiently set up worksheets. You will also learn how to use the function wizard to calculate statistics, future values, and more. In addition, you will get tips on sorting and analyzing data, creating three-dimensional workbooks, and automating frequently-repeated tasks with macros and buttons. By the time you're done, you will know how to use this vital Office 2019 tool.
Introduction to Technical Writing
with MindEdge Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education
Technical writing is a highly coveted professional skill that involves absorbing technical information and then communicating it through a document that is tailored to a specific audience, usually to inform, instruct, or persuade. This introductory course will explain what technical writing is and what technical writers do, exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies they employ. It will also guide you through the technical writing process, from initial plans to final revisions.
This is an online class and can start at any time.
Click the link for more information.