Introduction to Forest Management
This six-week course is intended to give participants a better understanding of forest management in Maine. The course will provide basic instruction for landowners or people who want to better read the landscape on: forestry, wildlife, ecological and recreation management. The classes will be hosted by the Maine Forest Service District Forester, Mike Richard and will include guest speakers.
**Please note that as a Public Servant, the instructor recieves no financial benefit from this course. All proceeds go to MSAD#44 Continuing and Adult Education to continue to be able to offer courses such as this.
March 4; Week 1 Defining Your Goals as a Landowner/Deeds & Boundaries- Mike Richard, MFS Tree Identification- Mike Richard, District Forester, MFS
March 11; Week 2 Management Plans & Cost Share Programs – Mike Richard, MFS Non-Timber Forest Products (Christmas Trees & Maple Syrup) – TBD
March 18; Week 3 Wildlife Programs and What You Can Do on Your Property- TBD, IF&W Tree Planting – Mike Richard, District Forester, MFS
March 25; Week 4 Timber Trespass and Wildfire- Forest Ranger, Maine Forest Service Forestry Rules and Regulations- TBD, MFS
April 1; Week 5 Common Tree Diseases and Logging Damage- TBD, MFS Chainsaw Safety Basics
April 8; Week 6 Silviculture- Mike Richard, District Forester, MFS Consulting Forestry
Week 7; Optional Field Trip TBD
When: Tuesdays; 6 weeks starting March 4th 2025
Time: 6-8 p,m.
Where: Tesltar Adult Education
Tuition: $25
Session 1