with Emma Holder, Sacopee Valley Adult & Community Education
You could buy a $4 bottle of kombucha, or you could make your own for pennies. It's simply sweetened black or green tea with a culture added. We'll make a primary ferment in class. A secondary one will be demonstrated so you can make it at home once your primary has developed. We'll discuss kombucha's fascinating history, troubleshooting, glassware and SCOBYs (provided). Class will include the microbiology and the ferment creation. Easy, economical, and delicious! Zoom link and materials list will be provided upon registration. Registration closes February 19 to ensure participants get all needed information and supplies including the scoby from the instructor. FMI, contact Emma via her site at emmaholder.com/fermentation. Pre-registration is required to receive online link.
Emma Holder studied microbiology and immunology at McGill University, where she graduated with a BSc in 1991 and a masters degree in 1993. Her passion is fostering human connections and offering engaging educational opportunities to promote happy, healthy lifestyles.
Feb 27th, 2025
Thu for 1 week from 6:00 - 7:15 pmWill run
For directions, call us at (207) 625-3092