Microsoft Access 2019 Series
with Ed2Go Instructor, MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education
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The Microsoft Access 2019 Series provides a comprehensive overview of Access 2019. You will first learn the basic functions of Access and then learn more advanced techniques that fully utilize this powerful software.
The Introductory course will teach you fundamental data management techniques, like creating forms and tables, efficient data entry, and editing. You will also learn how to use Access to develop queries that locate and isolate records and to design professional reports. By the time you have finished the course, you will know how to organize and assemble an effective database for any kind of information you need to store, document, and manage.
The Intermediate course builds on your previous Access skills. You will start by importing customer and order information from several Excel spreadsheets as tables in a new database. Once you have mastered proper table construction, you will learn how to create forms to manage table data. Then, you will discover how to construct crosstab and summary queries, and crunch numbers using query calculations. Finally, you will build a navigation form, so users can search your database.
Series bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Series bundles.
For more information or to register please click theĀ link.
Session 4: Oct 3rd, 2024 - Oct 3rd, 2025
Online registration unavailable
Online Class
For more info, call us at (207) 764-4776