Pottery: Make a Fun Mug*
with Rose Crossman, Rosie's Artistry / Elmhurst Street, Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education
Join us for this mug-making class and learn how to create a mug and affix a handle the first night. On the second night, March 12, you will paint your mug. You will be able to pick up your artwork at the Adult Ed Office at Messalonskee on or about March 26. Materials fee is $30 cash or check to the instructor at the start of class to cover the cost of clay, glaze, and firing. Storm dates may affect this schedule. Limit 10 students. 2 Meetings, Feb. 26 AND March 12
Session 1: Feb 26 - Mar 12th, 2025
Wed from 5:30 - 8:00 pmAdd to Wait ListClass is full
Messalonskee High School
131 Messalonskee High Drive
Oakland, ME 04963
Get directions
Room: 127